welcome to the latest Brevity series:





This series of work is meant to inspire adventure, encourage diversity and remember the moments of joy and peace we've encountered while outside…

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Like many of us, I grew up playing outdoors everyday. My backyard was my place to escape and imagine. Our creek was there for catching toads, the mud was my mudpie making station and the trees were for climbing.

As an adult, I find the more time I spend outside, the more I remember my child-like curiosities, playful personality and exploratory wonder. My daily walks around my neighborhood are where I find peace, clarity, and time to pray. And my every-so-often hiking and camping trips are a time I savor with family and friends- creating treasured memories.

Being outdoors has so many benefits- a concept I’m continually learning. Not only does it relieve stress, encourage exercise, and boosts our creativity, but also has numerous health benefits- including helping us have a longer life span (more information can be found here.)

“…My aspiration is to do my small part in bringing hope, diverse representation and encouragement for all us to spend a little more time outside.”

I recently discovered this statistic- the average American spends 87% of their time indoors, 6% in a vehicle and only 7% of their time outside (according to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). To add to that, outdoors spaces such as National Parks and Public Lands show deep racial inequality. According to the US Forest Service, 88%- 95% of all visitors to public lands are Caucasian- yet African Americans comprise only 1%- 1.2% of all visitors and Hispanic/Latinos between 3.8%- 6.7%. A lack of racial diversity in the outdoors has many complicated and deeply imbedded problems- which is strongly due to America’s tumultuous history, full of racism and inequality. I know this small series I created will not ‘fix’ much, but my aspiration is to do my small part in bringing hope, more equal representation and encouragement for all us to spend a little more time outside. This information I’ve discovered over the past few years has lit a fire in me to promote an outdoor lifestyle which can lead to a happier, healthier life for all.

Each painting in this collection, was inspired by trails I've walked myself- either on my own, or with others. As you spend time with this series of work, I encourage you to read about the places and stories behind each painting. If you find that you live near any of these trails I’ve hiked, research them and go see the views for yourself! Or if you live further away- plan a trip to visit these beautiful destinations! If you have any questions about the locations, information about day hiking, camping, racial diversity or about my painting process, please reach out to me. I’ll do my best to answer your questions, or connect you with those (who are experts in the field) who know the answer!

“…paintings in this collection, were inspired by trails I've walked myself- either on my own, or with others.”

Thanks for taking the time to read my ‘why’ behind the HIKING COLLECTION. I hope this inspires you to bring hope, healing, and peace while exploring the great outdoors.



Corrin Sheaffer: corrin@brevityart.work